Welcome to Mariebee's cakes! I'm Marie, and Mariebee is my nickname. I know, you though t it was a clever business name, but it's just me. I love to bake and pride myself on getting better at each attempt. I started out baking for my high school church kids, moved up to baking for co workers every Friday, and now I dable in fancy cakes!

Currently I only do special orders when I'm borrowing someone elses kitchen. Large cakes require space and my current apartment does not allow me the space I need.2011

Someday perhaps I'll have some comercial kitchen space and can have lot's more fun, but for now, it's just a hobby.      


Fancy Flavors
Basic Flavors
Basic Frosting:
  • Champagne
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter
  • Red Velvet/Cream Cheese frosting
  • Shirley Temple
  • Light Carrot w/ Light Cream Cheese frosting
  • more in the works.....
  • Chocolate
  • White/Vanilla
  • Yellow
  • Funfetti
  • Chocolate
  • Vanilla
Or, anything you can imagine! These are just things I've tried,
I'm confident I can make any flavor you request!

Mini Cupcakes also available